With MathType Desktop the equations do require the MathType fonts to remain installed though, so take care not to remove any font with the name Euclid in it, nor the font MT Extra. The only difference you'll notice is you'll no longer be able to make changes to these equations.
What happens with MathType documents when my trial expires?The equations in documents you create during the trial remain readable and unchanged after your trial expires. One thing you cannot do after your trial expires is create or edit equations. Three, if you're in Word you can convert the equation to a Word equation editor (OMML) equation. Two, you can copy them as LaTeX or MathML or a site-specific format (such as WordPress and many others). One, you can view and print the equations. What can I do after the 30-day trial expires?There are 3 things you can do with an expired trial. There are no restrictions or limitations other than the time limit of 30 days. What can I do with MathType during the 30-day trial?During your MathType trial period, you can do the same things as you can with a fully-registered copy of MathType.